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Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Centennial Trees 500ml


It is a coupage of the varieties Hojiblanca, Lechín, Ocal and Manzanilla.

SKU: AS 001 Category:

Premium extra virgin olive oil made with olives that come from trees with more than two hundred years. These olive trees belong to the Aguilar Segura family for several generations and take care of the whole process of making this particular oil.

It is a soft oil, sweet entry with many aromas contributed by the four varieties of olives with which it is made. The extraction is done in cold the same day that the olive is collected, thus preserving all the flavor.

It is ideal both to accompany vegetable dishes and fish. Its mild flavor and fruity notes make it a perfect oil to make desserts.
Aromatic intensity: Medium low.
Smell: Fruity of predominantly ripe olives and with certain green smells of leaf, tomato and apple.
Mouth: Very sweet entry with a delayed bitter and spicy low. In aftertaste appear pleasant tones of almond between green and ripe. Balanced.

Extra virgin olive oil balanced, with low intensity. On the nose we recognize the olive leaf, tomato and apple. It has a sweet entry with delayed bitter and medium spicy.


– Bronze Medal, Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition 2016;

– Prestige Gold, Terraolivo 2015;

– Gold Medal at the International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition Japan 2014;

– Great Taste Award 2013.

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