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Tomato Lover Basket



– BBQ sauce, net weight 270ml;
– Green tomato jam, net weight 220g;
– Organic whole tomato, net weight 700g;
– Natural jam of red tomatoes, net weight 100g;
– Dry tomato in organic extra virgin olive oil, net weight 240g.

Tomato Lover Basket is for all tomato fans in its many forms. Here we propose several artisan products from the producers La Golosa, Obrador Valle de la Osa, Al Jaque, La Molienda and Tierra Palaciega from Benacazón, Constantina, Los Palacios y Villafranca (Sevilla), Montejaque and Benalauría (Málaga).

Lactose-free barbecue sauce is used for all barbecued meats.

Green tomato jam can be spread on bread, with fresh cheese or seasoning baked poultry.

Whole organic tomato, gluten-free and lactose-free, is used for stews, garnish dishes and baked meat or fish.

Natural jam of red tomatoes can be used according to taste in smoothies, ice cream, fried foods, croquettes, meat and fish accompaniment, various salads.

Dry tomato in organic extra virgin olive oil without gluten is used in salads, meats (ox, quail), fish (smoked sardines), rice, gnocchi, spaghetti, sauteed chickpeas.

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